In the heart of Montenegro’s capital city, Podgorica, a dream took root—a dream of creating a sanctuary for cigar aficionados, a haven where the timeless art of cigar smoking could be celebrated and preserved. For years, the bustling hospitality scene in Montenegro had lacked a dedicated cigar club, prompting Aleks Đuretić, Bojan Leković, Damir Bučan, and Pavle Ćupić, the owners, along with Milica Popović, the director of the company, Milica Vemić, the sales and marketing director, and Ana Ćetkovic, the CFO, to embark on a mission to fill this void.
Driven by a deep-seated love for the culture and tradition of cigar smoking, this team of visionary entrepreneurs envisioned more than just a conventional cigar lounge. The goal was to establish a place where enthusiasts could immerse themselves in the rich history and craftsmanship behind each cigar, forging connections and creating memories in an atmosphere of sophistication and camaraderie.
After precise planning and unwavering dedication, Casa de Puros opened its doors, becoming Montenegro’s premier cigar club. Nestled in a discreet corner of the capitol, it exudes an air of exclusivity and refinement, inviting guests to step into a world where time seems to slow down and every puff of smoke tells a story.
The first step in this journey was the creation of a state-of-the-art cigar shop, featuring a walk-in humidor spanning 15 square meters. This innovative concept was a novelty in Montenegro, setting Casa de Puros apart as a trailblazer in the local cigar scene. Building upon this success, the founders expanded their offerings to include imported brands of lighters, cutters, and humidors, further enhancing the accessibility and appeal of the shop.
However, it did not only rest on its laurels. Recognizing the growing demand for premium cigar lounges, the founders set their sights on a new endeavor—the establishment of a private cigar lounge within the store. This lounge would serve as a sanctuary for devotees, providing an exclusive setting where they could relax, socialize, and enjoy their favorite cigars in peace.
The culmination of Casa de Puros evolution came with the signing of a franchise agreement with Davidoff, the oldest cigar factory in the world. This landmark partnership solidified its position as a leader in the global cigar industry and paved the way for the opening of the first official Davidoff lounge in the Balkans, located within the Maestral Hotel & Casino.
On April 13th, the doors of the Davidoff lounge were opened to the public, marking a significant milestone in Casa de Puros journey.
Curating the cigar collection: selection criteria and brand offerings at Casa de Puros
When selecting cigars to add to Casa de Puros collection, several criteria are taken into account to ensure that only the finest offerings make the cut. One of the key considerations is quality—each cigar must meet rigorous standards of construction, flavor, and consistency to earn a place on the shelf. Whether it’s a classic Cuban brand or a boutique label from Nicaragua, every cigar undergoes thorough evaluation to ensure that it meets the shop’s exacting standards.
In addition to quality, diversity is another important factor in Casa de Puros selection process. Recognizing that every cigar enthusiast has their unique preferences, the shop strives to offer a wide range of brands, blends, and sizes to cater to diverse tastes. From mild and mellow cigars ideal for beginners to bold and complex blends suited to seasoned connoisseurs, the collection has something for everyone.
Moreover, Casa de Puros places a strong emphasis on authenticity and provenance when sourcing cigars for its collection. Each cigar is brought directly from reputable manufacturers or authorized distributors to ensure its authenticity and integrity. By maintaining close relationships with suppliers and adhering to strict sourcing guidelines, Casa de Puros guarantees that every cigar it offers is genuine and of the highest quality.
Setting Casa de Puros apart: unique offerings and contributions to the local community
At the center of Casa de Puros appeal lies its status as a private club reserved exclusively for members and their guests. To gain access to this exclusive club, individuals must inquire within the shop, where they will receive all necessary information about membership privileges and benefits.
Beyond its exclusive membership model, Casa de Puros prides itself on offering a curated selection of cigars that cater to the diverse tastes and preferences of its clientele. From renowned Cuban brands to lesser-known boutique labels, Casa de Puros’ extensive collection ensures that every cigar enthusiast can find something to suit their palate. Moreover, the shop’s knowledgeable staff is always on hand to offer recommendations and guidance, ensuring that guests can make informed choices and explore new horizons in cigar appreciation.
In addition to its exceptional cigar selection, Casa de Puros boasts a team of experts who are passionate about delivering unparalleled service and hospitality. Among them is Vukota Kažić, an award-winning mixologist who has earned acclaim for his innovative cocktail creations. At Casa de Puros, guests can indulge in a range of specialty drinks crafted by Vukota himself, adding an extra layer of sophistication to their cigar-smoking experience.
Atmosphere, events, and educational initiatives
Upon stepping into Casa de Puros, guests are enveloped in an atmosphere of refinement and relaxation. The interior design, masterfully crafted by architect Damir Bučan, strikes the perfect balance between elegance and comfort. Plush leather armchairs and sofas invite patrons to settle in and unwind, while carefully calibrated lighting sets the tone for relaxation and indulgence.
Central to the Casa de Puros experience is the exclusive events and activities made for cigar lovers. Regular promotions, tastings, and pairing sessions provide opportunities for guests to explore new flavors and expand their palate. These events, held both for members and non-members, aim to create a sense of community and camaraderie among cigar lovers.
One of the highlights on Casa de Puros’ event calendar is the Montenegro Smoking Weekend, now in its fourth year. This annual gathering, hosted at the prestigious Hotel Kalamper, attracts cigar admirers from near and far. Attendees have the opportunity to mingle with industry experts, sample exquisite cigars, and join themselves in the rich culture of cigar smoking.
In addition to hosting events, Casa de Puros is dedicated to educating both novices and connoisseurs alike. Knowledge-sharing sessions led by experienced staff members provide insights into the art and science of cigar smoking. Furthermore, professional training programs, in collaboration with esteemed educators like Professor Zdravko Brkić from Belgrade, aim to elevate the standards of hospitality and service within the industry.
Embracing tradition, envisioning the future
As we conclude our journey through the rich tapestry of Casa de Puros, it becomes evident that this esteemed establishment is more than just a cigar lounge—it is a beacon of culture, innovation, and community in Montenegro.
Through initiatives like the creation of the first Montenegrin cigar, aptly named “Tempus,” in collaboration with the renowned El Viejo factory in Nicaragua, Casa de Puros celebrates and preserves the cultural heritage of Montenegro while pioneering new frontiers in the world of cigars. This venture represents a significant milestone in the local cigar industry, offering fans a taste of authentic Montenegrin craftsmanship and tradition.
Moreover, Casa de Puros ambitious vision for the future underscores its commitment to positioning this country on the global map of cigar excellence. With strategic partnerships with distinguished brands from Mexico and the Dominican Republic, and plans for expanding distribution across Europe and Asia, Casa de Puros is poised to elevate Montenegro’s reputation as a hub of cigar followers and connoisseurs worldwide.
As we look ahead, Casa de Puros remains steadfast in its dedication to innovation, quality, and excellence. While the specifics of future projects may remain under wraps for now, one thing is certain: this club will continue to lead the way in shaping the future of cigar culture in Montenegro and beyond.