Would you rather be mind full or mindful?
In the hectic world, where 24 hours per day is not enough to achieve everything from our daily agenda, we are the ones who must slow down the speed of modern life.
Imagine a place that feels like home, like belonging, like authenticity. A place where you go to find your true self and to meet your higher self. A place that follows your inner pace. It is not just about the place, it is about experience and who you become during the process.
Discover a women retreat – FitCamp Montenegro and find a profound connection with yourself and the world around you. The essence of this place is achieving self-sustainability and life in harmony with nature.
Eastern philosophy in modern ways
Firstly, fall in love with taking care of yourself. FitCamp Montenegro offers many ways to show love and care to yourself. The love is going to be a solid foundation where you can rebuild your life as many times as needed until you become an invincible woman.
From Ancient Traditional Eastern Philosophy through the years and centuries we have learned the importance of being in the present moment. Presence is the biggest gift of life. The latest FitCamp Montenegro program #MindfulSelfness is all about reminding who we truly are when we take off brand-new clothes, forget about jobs we might not like, take a break from the people who exhaust us, disconnect from the outside world – who we are when we look deeply into our soul.
The goal of #MindfulSelfness program is immersing in nature healing, living in the present moment and cultivating deeper connections within a supportive women’s circle.
On the journey of self-discovery you will learn to simply feel: love, gratitude, peace – the highest vibrational emotions. On this journey participants are not alone. The Retreat provides ongoing mentorship as well as practical tools. After this experience of positive transformation, the participants can integrate their learnings into their daily lives, feel empowered to become the best versions of themselves for their benefit and those around them.
Healing power of women's circle
Sometimes it is hard to even explain what a woman is and how bitter-sweet is to be one. Especially in a fast-paced world where women’s roles are multiplied. Modern environment, where women have to be everything and everywhere, is not supportive of feminine energy. Feminine energy creates infinite possibilities for creativity in many forms. Release yours! In this safe circle of trustworthy people, through a magical experience awake your inner Goddess. This transformative yet vulnerable process hides emotional support and stabilising power that will become your future core of strength.
Success formula is in the unique blend of activities including yoga, mindful workshops, nutrition classes and hiking. With a pinch of absolut body and mind relaxation, every activity, every step is aimed at fostering personal growth and well-being.
Strength is in the sustainability
Modern world, unfortunately, supports environmental degradation and resource depletion. That is why the importance of self-sustainability must not be underrated, but understood. Actually, it is a crucial key to significant changes in our well-being and the health of the planet.
By embracing self-sustainable practices at individual and global levels, we can work towards a more sustainable and resilient world for current and future generations. Remember We have not inherited the land from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children. FitCamp Montenegro leads new ways in environmental responsibility. It has a strong dedication to achieving self-sustainability.
The efficient use of resources, including water, energy and materials is the core of self-sustainability. By implementing recycling and reuse strategies, we can minimise waste production and alleviate pressure on ecosystems and natural resources.
In FitCamp Montenegro this important topic is part of daily activities. This centre is transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar and wind power and utilising rainfall to meet their water needs. The path is clear: using practices which ensure minimising carbon footprint while providing enriching experiences for their guests.
Embracing a zero-waste approach is essential for protecting the environment. Imagine eating organic, freshly harvested fruits and veggies, deeply feeling how much your body is grateful for gold, life-worthy nutrition. Every cell in your body is recovering, your soul is healing, your vibration is expanding… Giving their best to this idea, FitCamp Montenegro composts to produce organic fertiliser and cultivates fruits and vegetables available to their guests.
Showing commitment to environmental stewardship FitCamp Montenegro extends beyond mere recycling by establishing a mini recycling yard. Spreading green voice and maintaining active engagement with the local community to foster development and empowerment, this yard serves both for their elves and the local community. This is not just a perfect example of participation in waste diversion and resource recovery, but is a perfect example of collaboration, of finding strength and building a greener, better future based on combined efforts and sustainability.
Find your authentic, healthy lifestyle
You need it. You just don’t know it yet. Everyone deserves the joy of missing out (JOMO) by rediscovering life’s simple pleasures. FitCamp Montenegro is for the ones who do not wanna keep on repeating the same habits like machines. Retreat is a chance to stop everything, to completely silence the mind and let fresh air into your minds.
In Presjeka Village, part of the better-known Duga, located on the Nikšić – Gacko regional road in Central Montenegro, this retreat includes a 5-night stay in shared apartments, plant-based meals, daily yoga classes, workshops, nutrition sessions, hiking and time-management techniques.
Owing to the past, the whole area is a symbol of battles for freedom both for conquerors and Montenegrins. Reminds us that freedom is everything, and everything is nothing without it. Perfect spot to dive in freedom, to rebuild and embrace yourself again.
Journey of self-discovery has to start somewhere. FitCamp Montenegro is your safe start, process and goal.
More information about the program, including booking details, can be found on the website at FitCamp Montenegro Mindfulselfness Women Retreat.
This is your unique chance to embrace love, presence & true self.
Visit FitCamp Montenegro website to discover more: www.fitcamp-montenegro.com